Friday, October 30, 2009
New Podcast Is Up
This is just a quick update post to let you guys know that the Epic Elyos Podcast, hosted by Sarc, Raim, and yours truly, is now up on
Just because I've moved to Multiplaying doesn't mean I've given up on Aion. :D I want to thank everyone who has come by this blog, and I truly hope you'll follow along with me in my new adventures throughout the interwebz.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Alright Then... Let's Do It!
Nothing shall stand in my way...

I'm going to nonstop grind for the next two days!!!!
Wish me luck, and /pray for me, because Aion knows I'm going to need it....
Alright Then... Let's Do It!
Disclaimer~ "Non-stop" means whenever possible excluding real life crap.
Not a continuous 48 hour period.
Monday, October 19, 2009
I went with the guild expecting to have some fun on Rer, only to get /facepalmed by the CrySystem.dll error (aka, memory leak when you render too many players/things) and subsequent crash. To make matters worse, for whatever reason, my computer completely turns off when Aion crashes. You can imagine this being a major pain in the butt when I have to reload Steam, Vent, Interwebz, Skype, etc. and then open Aion in Steam (I find communicating with people while playing important/pleasurable). By the time I had logged back in, the Deity had already been slain. As you can imagine, some waffling words were thrown about, and I then ragequit vent and crafted for a few hours.
Sidenote~ If you're looking for me on Steam, I am now officially Rer.
First To Fall has been retired. *Taps is heard in the distance*
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Off Topic: My Roomate, Vaksha
So, as some of you know, I'm in college. My roommate, Vaksha, is a good friend I've mine that I've known for a few years now, and he also happens to be an aspiring filmmaker (Clichés Incoming!). Honestly though, I really enjoy his films, and considering he was nice enough to mention my blog in one of his, I figure a cross promotion is without a doubt earned. He used to make still motion Lego videos, but after taking a film class with me (yes, you can see my horrid acting, enjoy), and studying the profession, he has since moved onto vloging (is that a word? Video Blogging :P). Anyways, without further adieu, I give you his latest video, featuring yours truly... (keep in mind this is labeled Off Topic)
Getting Away From All The Hubbub

Anyways, I guess the point of this post is to remember that getting to 50 shouldn't be a race. Yes, I know that being one of the first may come with its advantages, but is it really worth it? You should enjoy the time you spend leveling up your character, and if you find yourself growing frustrated or tired, just take a break. There's nothing wrong with rolling an alt or taking a few days off from the game. Your guild and friends will still be there when you get back, and it will do you a lot of good in the end.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Right on NCSoft
Major kudos NCSoft, this is an awesome way to show that you care. Also, (hope I'm not jinxing myself here) I haven't had any goldspam today! The new filter is definitely working as intended.
(Quick Update: Gah! Now they're just doing it in [][][][][][][] instead of English! Even so, its much less frequent.)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Waffling Ludicrous
I'm fully aware that NCSoft is aware of the situation, and they are actively working towards reducing the amount of gold spam in Aion.
So, in order to maintain my mental sanity (did I mention I'm also very ill, yet I still have to go to class/work, hence I have a slightly short fuse at the moment?) I've pondered a few small solutions that NCSoft could implement.
They won't fix the issue completely, but they'll sure as waffle make the ride easier:
- If a Name Doesn't Have a Vowel, Auto-Boot: Fdhfg, Dgb, Htpg, Dfdfd, etc. I think its fairly obvious that none of these people are real players, so why even let them play?
- 50+ Blocks, World-Wide Auto-Block for 30 minutes: Yes, I'm aware that this could very easily be taken advantage of, but if someone blocks an innocent person, I wouldn't be surprised if they themselves were blocked out of spite. So hopefully society would have the brains to not abuse this.
- **No Limit to the Block List**: Until the goldspam is greatly reduced, its just dumb to have a limit to our Block List. Give us at minimum, a three times longer list, if not infinite.
- Remove Players Who No Longer Exist: If goldspammer X no longer uses character Y, please automatically remove it from my list so I don't have to bother doing it.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
All Quiet on the Western Fort

Saturday, October 10, 2009
On The Road Again
At first I never really noticed (largely because I'm always multitasking with podcasts, vent [... and I just now realized I've had an open mic for the past 20 minutes... Waffle!], music, ... or writing blog posts lol), but we spend an awful long time (and large amount of Kinah) porting, flying, gliding, and walking from point A to point B. To make matters worse, one small slip up and you'll find yourself doing it all over again from your Obelisk point.
So the question arises, how do we allievate this problem? Lucky for us, we have a lot of options.
- Make Friends with a Sorc: If you have access to Pandamonieum/Sanctum (via their portal), you can set your Obelisk/Return point to your leveling area, hence greatly reducing your graveyard run and travel time, without fear of being stranded or taking forever to get back to a major hub.
- Town Scrolls: At first I wasn't really into these, because I didn't think they were worth their vendor cost. However, upon partaking in discussions with my guildies and trying a few myself, I've come to accept that the time (and portal costs) you save porting around with those scrolls is actually worth it.
- Travel Sparingly: Once you arrive in a zone, stay there. Don't suddenly run back to Panda/Sanctum because you forgot to do some trivial errand. The longer you're able to stay in a zone and be productive, the more Kinah you'll save.
- Don't Bind to Your Abyss Fort: There's no need to, and here's why. Its free to enter the Abyss from one of the major hubs, but it costs money to go to a hub from the Abyss. Sure, you'll lose 10 seconds having to fly into the portal (/gasp!) but the small amounts of Kinah you'll save will add up.
Well, that's about it for now. I would write more, but I'm dead tired and full of classic Chicago style pan pizza. If there's something that I've forgotten that you think is a good tip (which I'm sure there is), drop a comment!
Pro Tip: Don't try to turn your graphics up on a laptop that clearly can't handle it.
Sidenote~ Anikka, what's up with Sin Healing? If you read this can you leave a comment or shoot me an email?
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Buying Kinah Isn't Justifiable
"I have a life and job. Hence, I can't afford to play Aion 24/7 like some people. That's why buying Kinah is justifiable and fair, because it allows me to catch up to those 18 year old d-bags."Let's review shall we? "Its okay to purchase virtual currency because it reduces the gap between hardcore and casual players in a game." Yea... that's what I thought you said. Now then, before I explode in a righteous fury equivalent to 10,000 Abyss Cores, lets discuss why the above statement is absolute bullwaffle.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Aether, Makin' It Rain and Making You Sleep

- Aether is always needed, so there is always a buying market for it.
- Since everyone needs Aether, you can make friends fast by sharing it.
- Its easy to do, and allows the player to perhaps multi-task. For example, I watch TV on Hulu while farming Aether frequently.
- Its a great way to help you sleep.
- You may find yourself meeting new people in chat, simply because you have nothing else better to do.
- Watching paint dry is a step up on the Fun Ladder.
- The market for Aether is extremely volatile. Prices are constantly in flux and undercutting is rampant.
- Common mistakes (aka, death) can cut into profits.
- **Don't Overextend Yourself** - You don't have to have that one last Aether! Don't risk dying, play it smart and land safely. I can't tell you how much Kinah I've lost just from telling myself "Oh I can get this last one".
- Don't Stop Gathering Non-Skill Ups - Even if it isn't raising your skill, its definitely raising your kinah!
- Flight Pots, They Are Your Friend - Plan on taking some of your hard earned Aether and turning it into flight pots. These will be very handy and will actually, in the end, increase your profits by helping you maximize your flight time efficiency.
- You Don't Have To Sell Right Away - If the market for your level of Aether sucks, don't sell! People will buy it all up eventually, allowing you to sell your Aether at a good price. Just sit tight and wait for the market to improve.
- Sell In Reasonable Stacks - Its easy to have a lot of Aether in your bag, get lazy, and just post it all at once. Don't. Keep your Aether in reasonable stacks of 5, 10, or 15 so it is easily affordable for your buyers.
Monday, October 5, 2009
The Truth is Revealed... Kinda!

- How have your Fort raids/defenses gone?
- Have you been forced to Shift + F12 yet? If not, are you going to use it now? (Remember that if you just press F12 your UI disappears, so don't be alarmed by that. Simply press F12 again.)
- Do you prefer Objective Based fights or Open World?
Friday, October 2, 2009
Go Hug A PuG
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Power of Music
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Some Advice

- The quest "[Coin] Nip Spriggs in the Bud" requires you to kill Gatherers and Wardens, not Hunters.
- If you're willing to take the risk, you can actually run/glide through most of the elite mobs when doing the final stage of the "Destroying the Curse" and chuck the necklace into the lava without having to fight through anything. Bringing a friend with you might make this easier.
- The quest "Speaking Baluar" asks you to do the following: attack a Draconute (Assaulter?), lower it down to roughly 20%, and then bring it to the quest NPC without killing it. You'll know you've done it right when a cut-scene appears.
- For "Captured Comrades" just run. The quest doesn't show a timer, but the NPCs appear to despawn after a certain period of time. Just grab your NPC and hoof it over (don't fly) to the checkpoint. Simply CC any mobs that chase you should it prove necessary.
- The quest "Looking for Leibo" requires you to use an Artifact to reach the island, which requires a key to activate. The key can either be crafted by a 199 Alchemist, or alternatively bought for 150 thousand kinah. (Gee, I wonder which one to pick...)
- If you plan on grinding in the Abyss the repeatable quest "Don't Fear the Reaper" is your best bet. The island (which is the furthest South-West one) has a tower, so spawning your personal Kisk there and grinding it out works quite well. Just remember to not aggro the reapers in the air, because they will attempt to stun you for 3 seconds if you are flying, possibly resulting in you falling and taking damage.
- If you're grinding out in an area with a tower near, going solo is fine. However, if you are attempting quests where you don't have a safety net, going solo is just asking for trouble. (Waffling pigeon flocks <3)
- CC first, kill later. Make this your mantra in the Abyss. I say this because it it so easy for players to run away, or counter your attacks with their own CC, that keeping control of the situation will be vital to your success. Hence, personally I never DoT my targets as it prevents me from keeping sustained CC effects active.
- Flight Potions and Flight Speed Scrolls are a must have if you want to be competitive with other players. Using rings to your advantage is great and all, but nothing beats being able to increase your flight time and speed with the click of a button. Note that the Reaper repeatable quest actually gives players a random scroll upon each turn in, so you could get scrolls that way also.
- If you're getting sick of being owned by the opposite faction (lets face it, it happens to everyone), take some time off from the Abyss and go to a PvE/Rift zone for awhile. Once you've cooled down, head on back into the fray. You need to remember that you're playing this game to have fun, so keeping a positive attitude is important.
- Undercutting on the Auction House may seem like a simple and splendid way to make a quick buck, but you may be regretting it when the market tanks to sub-par profit levels. Surprisingly enough, if you take the time to whisper your competitors and ask them to sell within a certain price range, most of them will agree. This in turn guarantees mutual benefit, along with keeping the economy stable for future sales and purchases. (Though obviously you won't be able to contact everyone, it is still worth at least trying.)
- Low on Cash? Grind out mobs that you know drop grey items (like the Reapers ;D). You'd be surprised how much 100 Grey Items can sell for. Also, always try to sell items rather than vendor them. Even white items that you consider useless will probably sell for double the vendor price.
- Accidents with mobs, nodes, and quest items are bound to happen. However, that doesn't excuse purposely stealing someone's kill/node/item for your own gain. It just isn't cool and shouldn't be tolerated.
- See someone dead next to you or in need of assistance? Stop watching and start helping! Even if you have to use a rezz stone or risk dying on behalf of some stranger, its the right thing to do and you know it. Who knows? Maybe some time down the road that person will be saving your sorry feathered behind.
- Have something I missed that you feel others should know? Well tell me! I'll post it here for all to see.
- From Eskavars: Gathering successes and failures are largely based on your skill relative to the item you are gathering. For example, if you are gathering an item that requires 150 skill, and your skill is only 150, you may encounter some trouble. From the opposite side, if you are gathering an item that requires only 100, you shouldn't fail on it whatsoever.
- From Theladas: Your ability to error on a craft seems to disappear by 10 points over the minimum to craft it. So, if you're planning on crafting some pretty gear at level 28, say, make sure you're at least 10 points above the highest-difficulty item to ensure success on all crafts.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
First Instance Experience


Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Pwnt! Rer's Noob Moment!

- I think to myself "Oh crap".
- I yell at my leveling partner on Ventrilo that an Elyos raid as appeared.
- I type out in general chat that an Elyos raid has appeared.
- I attempt to run the waffle away.
- ... I realize my keyboard cut out before I even started Step 2. Doh!
- After frantically reconnecting my keyboard, I accept my totally facerolled fate and have a good laugh about the whole thing.
- How have your Aion Rift PvP experiences been?
- Have you had a noob moment in Aion yet?
- Drop a comment!
Aion Needs You...

Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
So It Begins...
- Don't Try To Impress People With Words, Let Your Actions Speak For Themselves
- Don't Ever Killsteal, Nothing Will Label You As A Jerk Faster
- Don't Start A Barrens Chat (Referring to World of Warcraft), Meaning No Discussions Of: Politics, Religion, Other MMOs, Your E-Peen, Chuck Norris, Etc. In Region Chat
- Don't Start Drama, Just... Don't
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Lazy Saturday Podcasts
Friday, September 18, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009
3...2...1... Oh, Here Is What We Are Doing
As we draw closer to tomorrow I wanted to give everyone a brief update on the progress of our live version. We are excited to announce that we will be serving out the final update for you to patch within the next few hours. You will be able to use this version for both our Preselection and our Head Start. We are very excited with our final product and think that you will be as well! Below are the release notes for the patch you will see later today:
- Aion now features all three languages French, German and English. To select your language simply right click on Aion within your launcher and go to Properties->Language Options. Please select which languages you wish to download and which you wish Aion to display.
- After analyzing our open beta test results Aion will not feature GameGuard at launch. We will however continue to pursue ways to effectively utilize GameGuard within Aion in the future. Right now we're focused on providing players with the best possible Aion experience.
- The level cap is now level 50 (previously 45).
- Players will be able to reserve 2 character names during Preselection and create 8 characters in total once Head Start begins and beyond.
- Channels will be set to 10 instances for the beginning 2 zones of each faction. Please note that these will be lowered as characters progress and spread throughout Atreia.
Fort Times
I'm back with answers, guys. As I mentioned before, we are not going to be able to release an exact schedule. The Production team got back to me with what I'm able to say. Basically -- The Fortress system is not scheduled at specific times every day. Fortress’s have certain chances to become vulnerable at certain times all throughout the week. It is important to note that owning fortresses in Aion is meant to be a fluid war back and forth where you may own a fortress one day but not the next. Legions will have to be on their toes and rally back at times if they fail to defend. We specifically adjusted the peak times between the east, west and oceanic region because the wars do favor peak times (evenings and weekends). Our website will reflect fortress wars in real time so players can monitor the status of their fortress or find a time when another is vulnerable to attack
The end-all answer for any legion that is torn between East/West is that there's no perfect solution for you. Going for the West coast would probably be the slightly better choice, as the East-coasters would then need to stay up a bit later as opposed to the West-coasters getting up/off work early.
I know that this is not much more than what I told you earlier, but it's what we have for you now, and I hope that it's enough for you to make a decision for your legion.
To Help Pass The Time
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Aussies Got Their Wish
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
A Head Start Look At Head Start
Aion's Head Start is right around the corner. Details surrounding the Preselection Program of Aion were very recently announced, but is only one of the benefits of preordering. Those of you who preordered the game will very soon not only be able to access Preselection, where they can create characters and reserve names, but also to leap into the game and explore the world before everyone else. Head Start opens up Aion's full feature set and allows preorder buyers to play the game just as if it was released a couple of days earlier.
Head Start begins on September 20th 12:00 p.m. PDT (more) and runs until release. The official release date of Aion is on September 22nd in North America and September 25th in Europe.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Truely Unacceptable
About Assassins...
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Aion vs. WAR vs. WoW
- A 3rd NPC Faction for the sake of balance.
- Enormous lakes for players to fight in.
- PvE right alongside PvP without distracting from the PvP.
- Portable Respawn Locations.
- Flight Mechanic.
- Player Ranking System and Rewards.
- Rift Combat for smaller group Guerrilla Warfare.
- Arenas in the Main Cities.
- Let's be honest, WoW isn't known for its PvP, and WAR's is lacking some key components.
- All items are Bind on Equip.
- Gathering is universal.
- Crafted Items are useful while leveling, and not a waste of space.
- Crafting is expensive, challenging, and detailed.
- WoW's Crafting isn't bad, but items are only useful once players have maxed out their skill and have reached raiding/endgame.
- WAR's Crafting is just plain sad. It is much too easy and un-innovative.
- Etc. (Read my past Closed Beta Reviews for more on Crafting).